Winner 2013

Award for
Community or Residential Structures

Project Description

Timber was an inspired choice for the main structural material in this visitor centre. The client’s vision of a spectacular undulating roof structure has been achieved through structural design which uses innovative manufacturing processes in Canada, a bespokely-trained workforce in China, and parametric analysis of considerable detail to allow for construction tolerances. The undulating form is achieved through the use of straight timber members, helped in their performance through king posts. This stunning structure was designed, fabricated and constructed over a total of just eight months, pointing to Chinese-Canadian collaboration of great effectiveness.

Judge’s comments

The designers have achieved an exceptional building against a backdrop of unease over possible construction practice and a very challenging timeline. They overcame both obstacles through outstanding structural design, perfectly suited to the project conditions.

Project overview

Structural Designer

  • Fast + Epp

Client Name

  • China Vanke Co. Ltd


  • Qingdao, China

Year Submitted

  • 2013

Submitted By

  • Fast + Epp Images: Benjamin Zhuang; (1,3,5) Structure Craft Builders; (2,4)