A network arch bridge with hangers made entirely of carbon fibre (CFPC). The integral design and the use of a high-performance material for the hangers in the case of the light rail bridge allows for a low material input and high transparency.
The bridge consists of a central main span and two approach spans. The main span is connected by an 80m network arch and two protruding truss frames, which continue the swing of the slender arches - not only as sloped concrete supports but also as a visual element.
A worthy demonstration of new materials and new applications. The resulting design embodies a combination of well-known techniques and new cutting-edge technology to provide a graceful, highly efficient take on the classic cable-hanger arched bridge.
The development of the bonded carbon-fibre composite members was the result of material science research and a very rigorous testing regime, involving over a million stress-test cycles, to demonstrate the suitability of this hybrid material for use in these circumstances.