The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

THE formation of the Concrete Institute was primarily due to a number of members of the British Fire Prevention Committee,who, having frequently met during 1906 at Fire Tests dealing with concrete and reinforced concrete floors, had found that there was much that ought to be discussed and inquired into jointly by the various professions concerned, as also by those who on the one side had the control of building operations in a public capacity, and on the other had had experience as contractors or manufacturers. Edwin O. Sachs

Publish Date – 1 February 1909

The Structural Engineer

Constitution etc.

Publish Date – 1 February 1909

The Structural Engineer

I am sure that all the members will join with me in regret that this paper should not have been undertaken by Colonel Winn, who was first asked to read it, and who is especially capable of dealing with the subjects of concrete and reinforced concrete, having for some years occupied the position of Instructor to the Royal Engineers at Chatham, and being well known as an authority on all matters relating to concrete and reinforced concrete. Charles F Marsh

Publish Date – 1 February 1909

The Structural Engineer

The subject upon which I have been asked to speak to-night may, I think, be profit- ably considered by us as one in which the two main divisions of this Institute must be interested. In introducing it let me recall to your minds how it comes that the examination instead of the preparation of designs for works in reinforced concrete has been suggested for the consideration of a Society composed mainly of engineers and architects, and of practical constructors who might be supposed more concerned with the inception than the criticism of drawings. William Dunn

Publish Date – 1 February 1909

The Structural Engineer

THE FIRST GENERAL MEETING of the CONCRETE INSTITUTE was held at the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, London, S.W., on Thursday, November 19, 1908, at 8 p.m.

Publish Date – 1 February 1909