The Institution is dedicated to providing first class support for its members - helping you develop your full potential throughout your engineering career.
In order to achieve one of the Institution's professional membership grades (Chartered, Associate-Member, Technician) a programme of Initial Professional Development (IPD) must first be undertaken.
Candidates working towards one of these qualifications may also benefit from mentoring.
Having attained one of these grades, members must complete a specified amount of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) each year. All CPD undertaken must be reported to the Institution annually.
Chartered, Associate-Members and Technician Members can also apply to become professionally registered with the Engineering Council and benefit from the use of the CEng, IEng or EngTech designatory titles as appropriate.
With the increasing importance of global recognition of engineering qualifications, the Institution also has several Mutual Recognition Agreements that ensure your qualifications are recognised by employers worldwide.