Steel Column Design

Author: Young, B W;Shakir-Khalil, H

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The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Steel Column Design

Young, B W;Shakir-Khalil, H
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

Young, B W;Shakir-Khalil, H


The Structural Engineer, Volume 51, Issue 9, 1973

Date published



Young, B W;Shakir-Khalil, H


The Structural Engineer, Volume 51, Issue 9, 1973


Standard: £9.95 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

In this paper is summarized the development of a rational method for the plastic design of biaxially loaded steel columns which is sufficiently compact for inclusion in
structural codes of practice. The study takes account of previous work on flexural and flexural-torsional buckling of columns and fills in some of the gaps where knowledge is
lacking. The effects of local buckling are not considered.

B.W. Young

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Issue 9

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