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The Structural Engineer, Volume 69, Issue 3, 1991
The involvement of the Republic of Ireland Branch in this issue of The Structural Engineer provides an excellent opportunity for putting down on paper a general view of the Institution as it is on, and as it is seen from, this side of ‘the water’, and of marking a further stage of the happy and valuable relationship between the branch and Upper Belgrave Street. I feel honoured that the branch has invited me to delve, as the mood takes me, into the numerous matters to which the branch committee and membership devotes much time and not a little effort. N.V. Torpey
As far as the future is concerned, the practice of structural engineering for many members of our Institution will be heavily influenced by several interrelated developments currently in train in Europe. These developments are taking place approximately in parallel with each other, and this and the foiIowing articles will try to explain, especially to engineers in Ireland, how, and approximately when, these developments will affect their day-to-day practice. N.V.Torpey
The Construction Products Directive covers the approximation of laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the member states of the EEC relating to construction products and it has the basic purpose of removing technical barriers to trade. N.M. Ryan