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The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 3, 1929
THE PRESIDENT, Lt. Col. J. Mitchell Moncrieff, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., &C., proposing a very hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Bossom for his paper, said that the meeting had been both instructive and pleasant. The meeting was one of the most interesting he himself had attended for a very long time, not only by reason of the very fine pictures which had been shown, but also by reason of Mr. Bossom’s very wise remarks and his entertaining and amusing asides.
It is primarily to the Structural Engineer that England has to look if she expects to make a real reduction in the cost of construcion. Alfred Bossom
A brief reference to these in such an address may prove interesting and instructive. There is, however, a much wider purpose in my choice of subject. Rather more than thirty years ago, the late Professor Osborne Reynolds, of Owen's College (now the Manchester University) commenced a series of lectures to Civil Engineering students by telling them that one great advantage the profession had over others, was that examples of its practice could be seen and studied without let or hindrance; they are open to the public gaze. But, as studen&, for all engineers worthy of the name ever continue to be students, we ask, where shall we most profitably direct our gaze? It may well prove that not, the least helpful part of this address is that which assists in answering this question. Harry Jackson