Author: Hatfield, W H
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Hatfield, W H
The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 5, 1929
Under this title are published five lectures, delivered by Dr. Rudolph Steiner to the builders, during the building of the First Goetheanum at Dornach, Basle, in Switzerland in 1914. The first Goetheanum, destroyed by fire, was built largely of wood. The second Goetheanurn, the subject of the illustration, is in reinforced concrete, and was still being built when Dr. Steiner died. On this account he never saw the completed work, nor has it been given surface treatment.
Dear Sir, That there should be a permanent and lasting Memorial of affection and esteem for the late Sir Alexander Kennedy is a feeling common to all who knew him or his work.
The Chairman, Mr. R. H. H. Stanger, said that the Institution had had an extraordinarily interesting lecture from Dr. Hatfield, who, as the head of the Brown-Firth Research Laboratories in Sheffield-the laboratories which discovered stainless or rustless steel-was well known to all the members. He thought he could say that the high tensile steel which Dr. Hatfield mentioned in the early part of his lecture waa still rather expensive for ordinary building construction.