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The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 8, 1929
Sir Banister Fletcher is the eldest son of the late Professor Banister Fletcher, F.R.I.B.A., of King’s College, London, and sometime M.P. for North-West Wiltshire. After leaving University College he was articled to his father and afterwards studied architectural design for six years as a Royal Academy student under Mr. Norman Shaw, R.A., Mr. Alfred Waterhouse, R.A., Sir Arthur Blomfield, A.R.A., Mr. J. L. Pearson, R.A., as well as Mr. R. Phene Spiers, the Master. He also worked in the Architectural Schools and attended the Life School at King’s College, London, and the Workshops there. As our readers know he carried off a number of prizes including the Godwin Bursary, the Tite Prize Medal of Merit for Design, and the R.I.B.A. Essay Medal.
The Portland House Travelling Scholarship is awarded and governed by the Council of the Institution of Structural Engineers, through a Jury appointed by them, whose decision on any matter arising on the conditions or the award shall be final and binding on all candidates.
To the Editor of The Structural Engineer. Sir,- May I express appreciation of the letter from Mr. Van Vleck, published in your July issue. It may be that undue antagonism to Mr. Bossom will be read into it. For my part, I hope this will not be so. Mr. Van Vleck’s frank and kindly gesture, his invitation to enquirers, and willingness to communicate facts as to American practice will, I am sure, appeal to Mr. Bossom, and to all who on this side of the Atlantic are interested in Building Structures.