This paper describes a series of analyses carried out using the commercial finite element package, DIANA, to analyse three different types of reinforced concrete continuous two span deep beams, S1, S2 and S3. The spans were each of 1340mm the depth of the beam 650mm and the width 90mm, the difference between the three types of beam was in the reinforcement patterns. Test results obtained over a number of years for nominally identical beams were available, six results for S1, 2 for S2 and 5 for S3. The tests were carried out at the University of Cambridge, and the non-linear finite element analysis by a separate team at Heriot-Watt University.
The data provided for the analysis was the geometric data for the beams, the reinforcement patterns and the yield strength of the reinforcement and the cube strength and tensile strength of the concrete. Also provided was the loading arrangement used in the tests. No further communications about the experiments was permitted. The beams were analysed and on completion results compared with the experimental data. No subsequent analyses have been carried out although after inspection of the experimental data various ‘improvements’ that could be implemented in the analyses were noted. Whilst the analyses were carried out using DIANA, the conclusions apply to any non-linear reinforced concrete finite element analysis.
I. M. May, Department of Civil and Offshore Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
C. T. Morley, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Y. Y. Chen, Department of Civil and Offshore Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK