Author: Various
1 June 2017
Article (PDF)
The Structural Engineer, Volume 95, Issue 6, 2017, Page(s) 43-44
Institution Member Hugh Morrison presents a follow-up to May's question on forces in a canopy.
This month, we share a few key statistics about Structures with you, as well as information about the initiatives the Institution and Elsevier are taking to encourage members to engage with the journal. Structures is a collaboration between the Institution and Elsevier, publishing internationally-leading research across the full breadth of structural engineering which will benefit from wide readership by academics and practitioners. Access to Structures is free to Institution members (excluding Student members) as one of their membership benefits, with access provided via the “My account” section of the Institution website. The journal is available online at
This month, readers share their thoughts on seismic strengthening in New Zealand, the need to teach earthquake engineering in the UK, Brexit and the Eurocodes, and reputational damage.