All the articles from the May 2019 issue of The Structural Engineer.
Publish Date – 1 May 2019
The IStructE and the SEI have combined their experience and outreach to host a joint international conference: Iconic Global Structures – What Can We Learn?
James Lomas, winner of the Pai Lin Li Travel Award 2017, discusses his research into flexible design initiatives in the Netherlands, Japan and Malaysia.
Steve Williams explains why over-reliance on specifications from previous designs imports risks to projects. Steve discusses how to reduce or eliminate those risks, to improve quality, efficiency and safety.
In this article, we highlight a report from CROSS newsletter 54, on temporary stability in a steel-framed building.
The Institution’s Professional Development Manager, Peter Washer, introduces a new online initiative to prepare members for the CM Exam.
This note describes the design and detailing of base plates for steel-framed structures.
Stuart Matthews considers the potential benefits – and difficulties – of developing performance- or outcomes-based codes of practice and standards.
Among other topics, this month's letters criticise a recent Technical Guidance Note on lintel design and explore the potential to adopt new technologies from other industries.
Allan Mann enjoys this account of the scientific and engineering advances of Word War II, despite the field of structural engineering perhaps not being given the attention it deserves.
This detailed book with excellent examples and illustrations will make a useful reference text on matrix methods of analysis, concludes Ian May.
Upcoming events at HQ and around the Regional Groups.
The latest issue of Structures (Volume 18, April 2019) is a special issue on ‘Advanced Manufacturing and Materials for Innovative Structural Design’.
Learning from structural failures – resulting from technical, natural or human factors – is an important way to make our structures safer.
This month Ron Slade has selected two sketches – by Luis Correia of AKT II and Jakub Nowikowski of Pole Structural Engineers.