The Institution’s
Design recommendations for multi-storey and underground car parks has set the standard for car park design since 1976. After more than 45 years and four editions, this guidance builds on that legacy to provide completely revised and updated information for anyone involved in car park design, construction, maintenance and reuse.
It reflects the significant changes to vehicular size, weight and manoeuvrability in recent years, to offer modern guidance on parking bay sizes and deck loadings. Hybrid and electric vehicle use, together with the need for inclusive design and a far greater emphasis on sustainable solutions, have necessitated a completely new approach to internal layouts and other requirements for structural design — including the minimisation of fire spread. There are also chapters dedicated to futureproofing, quality control during construction, suicide prevention measures, asset management, and special (robotic) car parks.
The guidance is based on UK design methodologies and practice (and where possible/appropriate, has considered any likely updates to the Eurocodes and Building Regulations) but the principles have global applicability.
Car Park design won the 'Special Jury Award' at the British Parking Awards 2023 as 'an exceptional entry that particularly impressed the jury, which is a panel of experts drawn from across the parking, automotive, transport and related sectors.'