1. Code of Conduct: If you are using social media channels and your profile identifies you as a member of the Institution, you are obliged to abide by the Institution’s Code of Conduct. Try to be clear if you are posting on your own behalf, or that of your employer or the Institution. In most cases it will be better to keep a personal account that clearly states opinions stated are personal.
2. Copyright: If there is an image you want to share, you must have clear permission to post from the copyright owner. Remember that Institution publications are copyright material.
3. Accuracy: Always evaluate your contribution’s accuracy and truthfulness. Establish as far as possible that material you share is correct. If in doubt it is best not to share.
4. Confidentiality: be sure not to publish confidential information like another member's name or personal details. You must not cite or reference your clients, partners, suppliers or any other third party without their approval.
5. Respect: If you need to correct another member or individual do so with respect and keep to the facts. If you are uncertain about the tone of a post it is generally better not to participate.
6. Regional Group accounts: If you would like to set up a new Regional Group social media account please contact us and let us know in advance.
You can find full details about setting up a Regional Group account in the Regional Group Handbook, which is accessible to Group Chairs and Secretaries.