Structural use of glass in buildings (Second edition)

Author: C. O'Regan

Date published

1 February 2014

Standard: £69.95
Member: £44.95
Student Member: £34.95
The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Structural use of glass in buildings (Second edition)

C. O'Regan
Date published
1 February 2014
Standard: £69.95
Member: £44.95
Student Member: £34.95

C. O'Regan

Date published

1 February 2014


C. O'Regan


Standard: £69.95
Member: £44.95
Student Member: £34.95

Guidance for structural engineers and construction industry professionals experienced in more traditional materials - providing an insight into design methodology, specification, materials and techniques in the design and construction of glass structures.

This guidance is not intended to be a code of practice, but rather a principal source of information and reference. Worked examples illustrate the simple design of glass elements such as floor plates, beams and columns. Connection design is considered, as this plays a significant role in the design of glass elements. Advice on the modelling of glass structures within structural analysis computer applications is also provided, as is guidance on other issues that may influence structural behaviour, such as extreme loading conditions and fire protection.


Additional information

Book (A4 print or PDF)
IStructE Ltd


Glass Guidance Connections Technical Publications Panel Guides

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