The Alert sets down the guidance that is available at present to bridge designers and outlines the risks for those responsible for existing bridges, ports, shipping lanes, and vessels to consider.
These risks have altered over time due to evolutions in maritime transport, and due to changes to the climate.
It is critical that such risks are reassessed on a periodic basis.
While the probability of a large vessel colliding with a bridge is low, the potential consequences of such an event are extraordinarily serious. As well as loss of life, such incidents can cause catastrophic damage to critical infrastructure, severe economic impacts, pollution, and societal disruption.
This Alert is a collaboration between CROSS (the confidential reporting system for improving structural and fire safety within the built environment) and CHIRP (the confidential reporting service for improving safety in the air and the sea). It is highly relevant to both those in the bridges sector and the maritime industry.
Read the full Alert on the CROSS website.
Credit: Associated Press/ Almay Stock Photo