IStructE’s initial comment on the publication of the Grenfell Phase 2 Inquiry report

Author: IStructE

Date published

4 September 2024

The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
IStructE’s initial comment on the publication of the Grenfell Phase 2 Inquiry report
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IStructE’s initial comment on the publication of the Grenfell Phase 2 Inquiry report

Date published

Our thoughts are with all those impacted by the Grenfell fire as this final report is now made public.

We will examine the contents and recommendations from this comprehensive inquiry, and see how these may relate to structural engineering.

Competence and culture changes across the whole of the built environment professions were key recommendations from Dame Judith Hackitt’s impactful Building a Safer Future report (May 2018), published following the Grenfell tragedy. As our overriding objective is public safety, we welcomed the focus on competence.
We will continue to promote the need for all structural engineers to become professionally qualified, undertake mandatory CPD and operate within a Code of Conduct. We will continue to place competence at the core of our members’ professional development. We will work with the Government and other stakeholders to raise industry standards to bring about the necessary cultural changes to improve structural safety.”
Reporting issues to prevent incidents from happening is part of a necessary culture change in the built environment, and so we continue to support the important work of Collaborative Reporting for Safer Structures (CROSS-UK). CROSS-UK is a confidential reporting system that allows professionals working in the built environment to report on fire and structural safety issues.
We also continue to support the work of the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), working with them to identify and resolve structural safety issues that need to be addressed to protect the public.
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