The review highlighted three areas where there is an opportunity to recognise competence and improve inclusivity/clarity in the membership grade structure;
1. Recognising graduates who have satisfied the Engineering Council CEng standard as Associates (AIStructE) of the Institution
2. Differentiating between the Associate (AIStructE) and Associate-Member (AMIStructE) grade
3. Including the grade of Affiliate within the Institution membership structure
The proposals required changes to the Institution Bye-Laws and as such the matter was considered at the AGM on 20 July 2022. The proposed Bye-Law amendments were overwhelmingly supported and the Institution now has the green light from its members to progress the initiative. However, the Bye-Laws changes cannot be enacted immediately as there are further steps that must be taken. Any change to the Institution’s Bye-Laws requires the approval of His Majesty’s Privy Council and so the proposed amendments must now be forwarded to the Privy Council for consideration. This process will involve a consultation with wider stakeholders within the engineering community and hence there is uncertainty as to when approval may be granted. Experience has shown that the process can take between 6 and 12 months. Further guidance as to when the new initiatives will be launched will be issued as and when feedback is received from the Privy Council.
Find out more in the minutes of the 113th Annual General Meeting.
Further to the Annual General Meeting of 2022, which took place on 20 July 2022, the Institution publishes the minutes of this AGM which contain details of the discussions held at the meeting.
Publish Date – 16 September 2022
On 1 June 2022, notice was given to all members that the 113th Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers would be held in person at 47-58 Bastwick Street, London EC1V 3PS and by remote access online* on Wednesday 20 July 2022 at 5.30pm (UK time) for the transaction, by Voting Members, of the business set out in the AGM notice attached.
Publish Date – 1 June 2022