In accordance with Procedural Rule 2.31 (01/22/V4REG4_2) the following summary of a decision of the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC) is published without the Member's name.
A complaint was made to the Institution arising out of the appointment of a Member to provide structural engineering services to a proposed extension and renovation of a property.
Taking all matters into account, the PCC found that the Member provided his opinion on matters which fell outside of the Member’s terms of appointment, matters which would typically be the responsibility of an Architect to address. The PCC found that the Member did so without clearly setting out, in writing, who’s responsibility it was to verify that information or opinion.
The PCC also found that the Member failed to respond to a number of requests from his Client when it became apparent that the Client would require an updated opinion.
The PCC, taking into consideration its findings, found that the Member failed to exercise appropriate judgement and that the Member, in doing so, breached Article 6 of the Code of Conduct.
The PCC issued a
Training Order pursuant to Regulation which required the Member to undertake specific training, within 6 months, in the area of setting clear scope of services and/or dealing with domestic clients.
The PCC also issued
Guidance to the Member, pursuant to Regulation, in the following terms:
Members should not cause unreasonable delays and should convey their advice sympathetically and with clarity ensuring the client has a good understanding of the advice given.
Members should advise a client and ensure the client understands the limitations of the service, which is to be provided prior to accepting a commission. The scope of the service including any limitations should be re-confirmed in the report.