This project aimed to design and produce appropriate apparatus for the production and testing of glass fibre rope reinforced concrete split beams in accordance with BS EN 10080:2005.
Reseacrh funded by: Undergraduate Research Grant 2017/18
Poster: Michael Imber
Supervisor: Proffesor Charles Augarde and Dr Michael Cortis
University: Durham University
A split beam consists of two blocks of rectangular cross-section joined by their primary axial reinforcement and a simple steel hinge.
The aim for these tests was to determine the behavior of the bond between continuous fibre ropes and concrete under flexure behavior rather than traditional pull-out conditions.
LVDTs were to be employed to measure the slip of the axial reinforcement whilst a load was applied. These aims required the design of new beam formwork, testing equipment, rope clamps, LVDT frames for slip measurement and an appropriate concrete mix.