The recent rise of ‘creative’ AI tools has sparked renewed discussion of the ability of machines to emulate creativity.
Can AI contribute to innovative and creative solutions in structural engineering, or does it risk stifling human ingenuity and imagination?
How crucial is the human touch?
Are human intuition, creativity, and experience even needed to begin with or can machines truly replicate or replace these qualities?
Do digital design tools compromise creativity?
Is there a risk that engineers lose fundamental knowledge?
What might validation and checking mechanisms look like?
Can you envision a future where AI and human engineers collaborate seamlessly? Are we going to get to a place where engineers are the copilot?
Despite such rapid evolution what will remain unchanged?
Do you think that the current state of digital tools is good enough?
How do you avoid the tools getting so user-friendly that people don't realise when the out put is unsafe?
AI: Are we moving too fast.. and are people getting left behind?
What are the current limitations of AI in structural engineering?