The IStructE Gold Medal is the Institution’s highest accolade. In this webinar series, Tanya de Hoog, the President of the Institution of Structural Engineers 2024, brings together Gold Medallists to hear their personal insights into how they embed people and planet at the heart of their work, and what specific action they have committed to in 2024 as part of the President’s Call to Action.
The series aims to share knowledge and experience and inspire each of us to take action.
Commit your action
At this session, Tanya and Jo had a discussion exploring Jo's journey as an engineer, her focus on humanitarian and sustainable engineering, and the importance of collaboration, creativity, and technical rigour in the field.
The following questions were discussed in this video:
What is the thing in your daily job that brings you the most joy?
What is your interpretation of creativity in structural engineering?
What is the balance between the technical craft and the upcoming new technologies and tools?
Hear about Jo da Silva's career journey
How do you think collectively we can have an impact on humanity and society moving forward?
What is the impact behind structural engineers' works?