The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Become a CPD Reviewer
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Become a CPD Reviewer

Date published

Become a CPD Reviewer and be an integral part of the Continuing Professional Development process.

As part of the success of the CPD programme, the Institution is looking to welcome new Reviewers to support the Membership Team in assessing members’ CPD submissions. As a CPD Reviewer, your role would be to impartially review the annual CPD submissions sent in by members. Your main objectives would be to confirm that;
  • A commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD) has been demonstrated
  • Activities have been completed for development of Structural Safety knowledge
  • The specialist areas required have been included

To be a CPD Reviewer, you will need to meet the following criteria to be eligible to review submissions on behalf of the Institution:
  • Must be CPD compliant, having submitted a CPD record for assessment the previous two years
  • Should have been a professional member of the Institution for at least three years, but this is not an absolute requirement
  • Can be a retired member provided you have kept yourself up to date with the industry, and have submitted approved CPD records for the relevant years

Benefits of being a Reviewer

  • Contribute towards your own CPD
  • Assess records remotely from anywhere in the world
  • Gain fascinating insights from different aspects of the sector
  • Opportunity to give back to the profession

Register your interest

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