In order to gain a historical perspective of Associate-Membership, it is useful to look back a few years. Until the 1960s the Institution’s membership had followed a single stream and progression through the various classes, whether drawn from university graduate or non-graduate academic backgrounds. At that time, trends in engineering education and the growing support for the policy that corporate members of chartered institutions should almost exclusively be graduate were, together, to lead to a considerable change in the Institution’s recruitment pattern. Many young engineers (and indeed some not so young!) had been following part-time courses leading to Higher National Certificates, often with endorsement subjects, but this route to chartered status was then to be closed. A transition period of 4 or 5 years was followed, in which to qualify in this way. Those who failed to do so, and all those who have subsequently followed this course, have found a ‘bridge’ possible into the chartered route only via the CEI direct examinations (now the Engineering Council equivalent) which has proved to be very tough and very little used in structural engineering.
David Lazenby