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The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 7, 1929
When I submitted the title of my paper it was my intention to limit my discussion to the design and construction of the Great Pyramid from the standpoint of the engineer designing and from the standpoint of the contractor building the structure. When, however, I came to the drafting of my thesis, I found that certain principles of design, and the generally high standard of excellence attained in the practical application of these principles required a fuller technical treatment. My paper would have been interesting enough without this fuller treatment. It would have failed, however, to establish as definitely intentional the principles of design to which I have referred. D. Davidson
To the Editor of The Structural Engineer. Sir,- I have read with a great deal of interest the article contained in the March issue of The Structural Engineer, written by Mr. Alfred Bossom, on “The Problem of the Skyscraper,” and also the discussions of your members on that article.