People and Papers Awards 2024

Author: IStructE

Date published

7 June 2024

The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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People and Papers Awards 2024

Date published


Date published

7 June 2024



Read award-winning papers and discover members recognised for their commitment to the Institution.

Members of the Institution, their family and friends joined us at BMA House in London on 7 June to celebrate professional and technical excellence and outstanding commitment to the Institution.

The event was hosted by 2024 President Tanya de Hoog and Deputy Chief Executive Darren Byrne.

Read award-winning papers and discover members recognised for their commitment to the Institution.

A full list of 2024's winners is below.

People awards

Presented to specific individuals for their exceptional contribution, either to the Institution or to the wider structural engineering profession.

Honorary Fellowship Award - awarded to senior non-structural engineering figures who share similar values to the Institution and whose activities and interests bring added value to the Institution and its work

  • Oliver Broadbent - in recognition of his inspiring work on regenerative design, contributing towards the Institution’s goal to make the world a safer and more sustainable place

Keith Eaton International Award - to recognise outstanding contributions from members in supporting the Institution’s international growth and development

  • David Ian Harvey - for his work involving mutual recognition agreements; his successful campaigning for the Chartered Exam to be adopted by British Columbian legislation; and for his significant and successful efforts to build the membership base in British Columbia.

Lifetime Achievement Award - to celebrate an individual’s particular commitment and longevity in a specific area of work

  • Michael Watson Fordyce - for his significant work and continued advocacy for structural safety over many years, including the expansion of CROSS into Australia

  • Anthony John Smith - for his significant contribution over many years to expand the Institution’s interest and membership growth in Southern Africa

Service Awards - for services to the Institution at a regional group level, as an Institution representative or in some other capacity

  • Brian Cameron - for his much valued and extensive support of the Scotland Regional Group over a period of many years

  • Wuh Jian Joseph Chi - for his much valued and extensive support of the Hong Kong Regional Group over a period of many years

  • Choon Wei Tan - for his much valued and extensive support of the Malaysia Regional Group over a period of many years

  • Daljit Singh Matharu - for his much valued and extensive support of the Thames Valley Regional Group over a period of many years

  • Vinod Odhavji - for his much valued and extensive support of the Australia Regional Group over a period of many years

  • Sandra Denise Orr - for her much valued and extensive support of the Ireland and Northern Ireland Regional Group over a period of many years

Lewis Kent Award - for personal services by a member to the Institution or the profession

  • Owen Brooker - for his dedicated service to the Institution over a period of many years

  • Stuart Lawrence Matthews - for his dedicated service to the Institution over a period of many years

  • Robert John Paul - for his dedicated service to the Institution over a period of many years

  • Mark Robin Pundsack - for his dedicated service to the Institution over a period of many years

President's Award 2023

  • Simon Jeremy Pitchers - for his active and enthusiastic promotion of Structural Engineering over many decades; for being an outward facing voice for Structural Engineering within television and the wider media, as well as a long serving contributor to the Institution through his membership and activities within Council, Board and Committees

​Papers awards

Recognising the best work published in The Structural Engineer and Structures magazine each year, as well as the best lectures given at HQ or around our Regional Groups. They reward excellence in technical content and the hard work of the authors and presenters.

Murray Buxton Award - for papers of general interest, rather than relating to structural engineering research, in The Structural Engineer publication

Guthrie Brown Award - for papers published in The Structural Engineer written by a member or members under 40 years of age

Clancy Prize - for papers of merit related to the understanding and practice of the whole life management of structures, including surveys, investigations, strategic planning, testing and subsequent works to the structure

Husband Prize - for papers of merit related to bridges

Derrington Construction Award - for papers deemed to refer to construction and/or health and safety, published in The Structural Engineer during the year

Oscar Faber Awards - for papers presented for discussion at Evening Meetings or colloquia of the Institution during the year

Sir Arnold Waters Medal - for papers deemed to be the best of those that have won a Regional Group prize during the session, written by a member or members of the Institution

  • Dominic Echlin & Ben Thomas McIlroy - for their presentation ‘National galleries of Scotland’

  • Kerrin Avion Shannon Burgess - for the presentation ‘Fundamentals of seismic design’

Structures Best Research Paper Prize

Structures Best Research into Practice Paper Prize


Education awards

Excellence in Structural Engineering Education Award - in recognition to individuals committed to teaching and passing on their wisdom in the field of structural engineering

  • Winner: Hongjian Du - for the paper ‘Transformative Structural Engineering Education through Design Competitions’

  • Commendation: Simon Man Ki Leung - for the paper ‘Rethink: Engineer = Unleashing creativity in design + shifting focus on sustainability’


Young engineers prizes

Young Structural Engineering Professional Award – For young professionals in structural engineering who demonstrate outstanding performance and show exceptional promise for the future

  • Winner: Claire Young

  • Runner up: Lingyu Miao

  • Commendation: Niamh McCloskey


Young Researchers Conference Competition


Kenneth Severn Award - for papers, written by an author or authors who are 28 years of age or under, on a topic chosen by the President

The topic set by the President was: ‘What does success look like for the future of the structural engineering profession? What qualities and competencies do we need as individuals, and as an engineering community, in order to play a pivotal role in addressing climate change and ensuring public safety through our work?’

  • Winner: Romilly Bobby

  • Commendation: James Alexander David D’Ambrosio

  • Commendation: George Kenyon

Related Resources & Events

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Price – £100
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