A Disciplinary Board was convened on 15 November 2022, comprising of: Mr Murray Armes, Mr David Dibb-Fuller FIStructE, Mr Edwin Bergbaum FIStructE with Mr Philip Newman Barrister of Law and Ralph Shipway, solicitor, as legal adviser, in respect of matters referred to it by the Professional Conduct Committee.
The matters were in respect of the issue of a report on a listed building by a member of the Institution, whereby an electronic signature was inserted which purported to be that of an accredited engineer but in fact was inserted without the knowledge of the signatory. The report reflected very poorly on the accredited engineer and on the accreditation body.
Taking all matters into account the Board found that the member failed to act with integrity and fairness; failed to act in the public interest; failed to uphold the reputation of the profession; failed to exercise appropriate judgement; and were reckless in their actions.
In the premises the Board found that the member was in breach of Articles 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 of the Code of Conduct.
The Board accepted submissions on mitigation and imposed the sanction of Reprimand.
Other PCC and Disciplinary Board reports