SMART Healthcare Facilities

Author: Shalini Jagnarine-Azan and Tony Gibbs

Date published

29 October 2020

The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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SMART Healthcare Facilities

Date published

Shalini Jagnarine-Azan and Tony Gibbs

Date published

29 October 2020


Shalini Jagnarine-Azan and Tony Gibbs



Learn how facilities are being retrofitted to become safer and greener.

SMART Healthcare Facilities was developed in 2013 in the Caribbean Region of the Americas. Its aim is to improve the resilience of healthcare facilities to withstand natural hazards, and to adapt to and mitigate against climate change.

The lecture recording focuses on many aspects including:
  • The Caribbean environment with respect to natural hazards and traditional counteractive measures
  • The history of the DfID-PAHO Smart Hospitals project
  • Assessments of healthcare facilities using the PAHO Hospital Safety Index
  • Standards of retrofitting and the how these are monitored

Learning outcomes

  • Discover the assessments used to check water and energy consumption and how these lead to sustainable retrofitting
  • Gain an understanding of the impact of these projects on the construction industry in DfID-PAHO-SH countries
  • Learn how some of these methods can be applied to local retrofitting projects

SMART Healthcare Facilities

About the speakers

Tony Gibbs FIStructE
Tony is a Past Vice President of The Institution of Structural Engineers; Past Director of the American Association for Wind Engineering; and Past Member of the Governing Board of the Global Earthquake Model. Mr Gibbs received the UN-ISDR Sasakawa Award for Disaster Reduction in 2007. In 2012 he became the first person in the Caribbean to be elected a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Shalini Jagnarine-Azan MIStructE
Shalini is a consultant with the PAHO/WHO (Pan American/ World Health Organisation) Health Emergencies (PHE) Unit specialising in disaster risk reduction and emergency response. She has actively contributed to the development of multiple technical materials aimed towards improving the resilience of the healthcare infrastructure, including the ‘Smart Hospitals Toolkit’. Shalini is a Trustee of the governing Board of IStructE (elected 2019-2021).

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