The Institution aims to avoid discrimination in two areas related to the Professional Review:
- First, by enabling disabled candidates to access the interview/examination. Reasonable adjustments might include ensuring that the interviews/examinations are held in premises fully accessible to wheelchair users, printing application forms and examination papers in large print etc.
- Second, by enabling disabled candidates to take the interview/examination where their disability might impair their ability to do so. Here, a reasonable adjustment might include allowing candidates additional time in which to read the question paper, write their answers or respond to the reviewers. This list is not exhaustive and The Institution will work with the candidate to support their needs, where reasonable.
This note covers both the above areas and is primarily guidance for candidates and their medical practitioners/employers/supporters who may be consulted as part of the Candidate Disability Notification process.
Candidate Disability Notification
The Institution acknowledges its duty to make reasonable adjustments to avoid discriminating against disabled people, and to this end it has taken these steps:
- Disabled candidates applying to take the Professional Review are asked to state the nature of their disability, at the point of application, by completing a Candidate Disability Notification
- Disabled candidates are requested to provide supporting documentation from their medical practitioner confirming that their disability meets the definition of disability in the Equality Act 2010. Candidates are not required to provide current documentation. Material previously provided as part of a college/university or employment assessment may be submitted
- The documentation will be reviewed to determine what reasonable adjustments may be made. Candidates and their medical practitioners/employers are invited to consider the nature of the interview/examination and to suggest ways in which the Institution could make reasonable adjustments to its processes. The Institution will work with candidates to determine what is reasonable
All such information is highly confidential. The Institution appreciates that candidates may be reluctant to forward such information. However, the more information the Institution has, the better our ability to support you and make reasonable adjustments.
Professional Review Interview and Examination
In completing a Candidate Disability Notification, it is important that candidates and their supporters/medical practitioner understand the nature and format of the Interview and Exam. Detailed information on the interview and examination assessments can be downloaded from the links below.
Professional Review Interview
During the course of the
interview, candidates will be required to demonstrate the competencies set out in the Initial Professional Development (IPD) Regulations, tested against the 13 Core Objectives for each grade.
During the course of the
examination, candidates will be required to demonstrate the competencies set out below:
- Use engineering judgement and experience to propose distinct and viable possible solutions to an engineering problem
- Understand and take into account the key constraints affecting the viability of the proposed solution. A non-viable solution is one that may be unstable, uneconomic, or unsatisfactory in meeting the client’s requirements
- Estimate the sizes of structural elements and then to prove by calculation that the proposed size is satisfactory
- Produce text (in the form of a letter and calculations) and drawings by hand to a standard sufficient to communicate the candidate’s intentions
- Manage time so as to achieve a satisfactory outcome within the time constraints imposed, with the pressure of time constraint replicating the need to take decisions rapidly under normal commercial pressure in a busy office
- Work alone and not to communicate with any other person for the duration of the examination, so that the work produced is the candidate’s own unaided work
The key element of the examination is the ability of the candidate to demonstrate the above competencies in response to a previously unseen brief and to exercise engineering judgement without support from others.
Conditions falling outside the definition of a disability
The Institution is aware that candidates may have conditions that fall outside the definition of a disability. In such cases we would encourage candidates to contact the Institution to discuss their circumstances so that we can explore how best we can support you.
If you have any queries regarding the Disability Notification process please contact the Membership Department on
email or by calling +44 (0)20 7235 4535.