Applications for the PRI are currently closed. The deadline for the next round of applications is 1 April 2025.
The other element of the Professional Review is the examination, or equivalent.
Please note that applications for the Chartered Member PRI are no longer being accepted using the 13 IPD Core Objectives. All applications must now be completed following the new IPD Regulations.
Candidates applying for the Incorporated-Member PRI will still be applying using the 13 IPD Core Objectives and the guidance on these can be found here.
The interview tests your ability and ensures that you have satisfied all the core objectives within your Initial Professional Development (IPD).
You may attempt the interview before or after the exam, depending on what suits you best.
The interview normally lasts between 60 and 90 minutes. This includes around 10 minutes for you to make a presentation on your career and how this had led you to meet the IPD objectives.
Reviewers will try to help you by asking appropriate questions, but it's essential that you can demonstrate how you have achieved all of the core objectives.
Please note that all interviews will be conducted online. Your Regional Group will contact you to advise you of their preferred digital platform (eg Microsoft Teams or Zoom).
Reasonable adjustments: The Institution will make every reasonable effort to accomodate candidates who require adjustments to be made to the interview. More information on this can found below or by contacting the Examination and PRI Team.
Reasonable adjustments
You'll need to click on the Apply Now button (when available) and have ready the following documents, combined into one final PDF:
- The IPD final report forms for each of the core objectives
- A two page experience report (CV)
You'll also be asked for the PRI application fee payment of £210.
You will then be contacted by your Regional Group, who will request your portfolio of work and set a date for your interview. Please note that all interviews will be conducted remotely, and you will be advised by your Regional Group of their preferred digital platform (eg Microsoft Teams or Zoom).
More information on the core objectives, what to include in your e-portfolio and additional information can be found on the Initial Professional Development page.
Submit your Chartered Member application at any time during the year to start the online process
If you want to take the interview, submit your associated documents within the following application windows*:
1 February - 1 April
1 July - 1 September
*A late fee of £200 will be added to all applications received after the deadline. Acceptance of any application after the deadline will be at the discretion of the Examination and PRI Manager.
After the application deadline has passed, the Institution will aim to have processed all applications within 4 weeks before sending these to the Regional Groups to begin preparing the interveiws. Typically, all interveiws will be conducted within 4 months of the initial application deadline, but may take longer due to certain circumstances.
2025 Key Election Dates
The table below sets out the schedule of meetings where elections to professional grades of membership occur. Once you have passed both the Examination and Professional Review Interview (if applicable), you will be considered for election at the next available dates as set out below. Please note that interview results are only released after initially being approved at the appropriate Application & Professional Review Panel meeting.
Please note: you do not need to contact us, you will receive an email within a couple of days of the committee meeting that will confirm your outcome.
Application & Professional Review Panel |
Membership Committee |
Q1 |
Wednesday 12 February |
Thursday 13 March |
Q2 |
Wednesday 28 May |
Thursday 19 June |
Q3 |
Wednesday 10 September |
Thursday 2 October |
Q4 |
Wednesday 5 November |
Wednesday 3 December |