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The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 1, 1929
The Task. The young Irish Free State has got to grips with the urgent task of promoting the long delayed economic development of the 26 counties within its borders by undertaking one of the largest schemes of national electrification which modern Europe has yet seen. Every modern State has come to realise the benefits of electricity as a cheaper, cleaner and handier means than coal for supplying light and heat and power, and Switzerland and the Scandinavian lands have taken the lead among European countries in employing natural resources, namely water in place of imported fuel for its generation. With its tremendous enterprise for the hydro-electric development of the River Shannon, the Irish Free State is now about to take its place among these pioneers. This great undertaking, which is expected to be in operation by the late summer of next year, is unique in that it provides for the supply of electric energy for the whole of the Free State territory, now and for all time, with ample reserves of power for augmenting the flow of current as the demand increases. Valentine Williams
I became interested in the history of iron and steel building construction about six years ago when I found myself unable to get definite answers to what I thought were two simple questions. W. Basil Scott
In order to make provision for berthing additional steamboats alongside the pier at Southend-on-Sea, an extension is now being constructed to the existing pier outer head on the eastern side which will allow for berthing two additional vessels.