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The Structural Engineer, Volume 7, Issue 6, 1929
Silica forms 60 per cent. by weight of the earth’s crust, and as the Great Architect of the Universe has chosen silica for the frame of this earth, so the structural engineer, in his infinitely humbler capacity, uses it to form about 60 to 70 per cent. of the weight of concrete. E.F. Sargeant
The following short article is quoted from the Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Part 2, May, 1929. It is not recent, but will probably be of general interest to members :- Between 1O and 15 years ago extensive studies were made by experienced investigators, Sidney and Beatrice Webb, covering the development and status of professional associations in England. Special interest attaches to this because it was completed and published in the midst of the World War. What follows is abstracted or quoted from “The New Statesman,” a forward-looking British weekly. The material appeared in two parts, as special supplements to the issues of April 21 and 28, 1917.
In connection with the general scheme for the improvement of vehicular transport between the various districts of New York City and the outlying townships, four important new bridges are included. These are a high-level cantilever bridge across the Arthur Kill between Perth Amboy, New Jersey and Tottenville, Staten Island, N.Y., named "The Outerbridge Crossing;" a second high-level cantilever bridge also over the Arthur Kill between Elizabeth, N.J., and Howland Hook, Staten Island, N.Y., and named the Goethals Bridge. Both these bridges are approached by long viaducts of plate girder deck spans. Their location will be seen on the accompanying plan, and the general character of the bridges will be appreciated from the illustrations. The third bridge is over the Kill van Kull, and the fourth is the Hudson River Bridge of 3,500 feet span, which was described in considerable detail in our April issue. These four bridges, when all are opened for traffic, will represent an investment of closely one hundred million dollars, of which amount more than half has been already expended or contracted for.