Curriculum evolution - change via a series of 'controlled explosions'

Author: Ted McKenna

Date published

1 July 2020


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The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Curriculum evolution - change via a series of 'controlled explosions'

Ted McKenna
Date published
1 July 2020

Standard: £9.95 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

The Structural Engineer

Ted McKenna


The Structural Engineer, Volume 98, Issue 7, 2020, Page(s) 10

Date published

1 July 2020


Ted McKenna


The Structural Engineer, Volume 98, Issue 7, 2020, Page(s) 10


Standard: £9.95 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

This paper, based on the winning entry to the Excellence in Structural Engineering Education Award 2019, presents a multifaceted yet controlled exploration of the potential to achieve progressive change towards a new vision of structural engineering education.

The various teaching interventions presented were undertaken in third- and fourth-year modules forming part of the Bachelor (Honours) of Structural Engineering degree programme at Cork Institute of Technology (CIT), Ireland.

The interventions sought to improve creativity and conceptual design skills, redress the burden of analysis and technical design, while also developing skills in confirmation, communication and teamwork.

Feedback from students was received in various formats. Overall, the interventions described, while challenging, were well received.

In conclusion, outcomes from the test cases described in this paper provide a strong foundation for further beneficial evolution of the programme, without fear of harm to the programme's well-established reputation in both academia and industry.

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Education Feature Issue 7

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