A complaint was made to the Institution arising out of the appointment of a member to provide structural engineering services for the removal of internal walls within an apartment building. Taking all matters into account the PCC found that the member failed to respond to their client in a timely manner and failed to deliver the services as described in their fee proposal. The PCC found further that the member failed to advise their client, at the earliest opportunity, that the fee chargeable would differ from that originally agreed.
The PCC, taking into consideration its findings above, decided that the member failed to comply with Articles 1, 5 and 6 of the Code of Conduct.
The PCC issued Guidance to the member, pursuant to Regulation, in the following terms:
Members should discharge their duties with courtesy and should not cause unreasonable delay.
If it becomes apparent that the scope of work and/or the fee eventually chargeable will differ from that originally agreed, the client should be advised of this at the earliest opportunity.
The PCC issued a Warning to the member, pursuant to Regulation, in the following terms:
The PCC issues a warning to [member] that they have failed to comply with the Code of Conduct as above, and any complaint against [member] which comes before the PCC in the future, resulting from conduct similar to that which gave rise to this complaint, is likely to be dealt with more severely.