The climate emergency is challenging engineers to consider a broader palette of non-traditional and/or novel structural materials.
This series explores how engineers can approach both design and construction with novel materials and solutions in mind, and it offers practical advice on what to consider to utilise them successfully within projects.
Purchasing this series will grant you access to all six webinars from the 2023-2024 series:
Low-tech solutions, exploring three different materials that require limited processing: structural stone, unfired earth bricks, roundwood timber
Using next-generation timber, sharing best practices to overcome common challenges in the use of engineered timber and CLT
Structural glass and composites, offering guidance on the use of high-tech solutions such as glass and FRPs
Using construction waste, aimed at outlining practices to build with waste materials – rather than sending them to landfill
Find out the latest developments in construction materials
Identify options for reducing the carbon footprint of your designs
Discover best practices around sustainable design