The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Pai Lin Li Travel Grant

Pai Lin Li Travel Grant

Date published

An opportunity for young members to pursue innovative and creative ideas in another country.

The Pai Lin Li Travel Grant provides a fantastic opportunity to spend four to six weeks experiencing the technical, economic, social and political conditions in another country and to examine how these various factors affect the practice of structural engineering.

Topics for study

Studies of innovative materials and construction techniques are particularly encouraged.


Please provide a detailed proposal (of around 800 - 1,200 words) giving:

  • the objectives of the study
  • an itinerary of places and people to be visited (who should have already been contacted)
  • a statement of expected costs
  • justifaction for carbon used during travel to complete the report

Please also provide:

  • your CV
  • the name and contact details of two referees
  • a supporting statement from your employer

You may be interviewed before receiving your grant.

Conditions of the grant

By accepting the grant you agree to:

  • give a livestreamed lecture on your findings
  • allow all project details to appear on

Apply here

Please upload file in .doc;.docx or .pdf only
Please upload file in .doc;.docx or .pdf only
Please upload file in .doc;.docx or .pdf only
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Previous Grant Winners

Case Study

Arthur Coates presents his research on tall timber structures. 

Publish Date – 25 January 2021

Location – N/A

Price – Free

Case Study

James Lomas and Charlotte Murphy describe their research projects.

Publish Date – 24 December 2019

Location – N/A

Price – Free

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