The Design of the Stone Facade to the Pavilion of the Future, Expo '92, Seville

Author: Lenczner, E A R

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The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Design of the Stone Facade to the Pavilion of the Future, Expo '92, Seville

Lenczner, E A R
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

Lenczner, E A R


The Structural Engineer, Volume 72, Issue 11, 1994

Date published



Lenczner, E A R


The Structural Engineer, Volume 72, Issue 11, 1994


Standard: £9.95 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

This paper describes and explains the design of the facade structure fronting the Pavilion of the Future, built at Seville for the Universal Exposition 1992. The free-standing facade structure's innovative use of natural stone elements assembled into loadbearing units is detailed, and the various issues that influenced its design are explained. The unique nature of the stonework required a specially devised analysis method, based on non-linear computer software, to make justification of the structure possible. This method is described, together with the other principal features of the
justification approach.

E.A.R. Lenczner

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Issue 11

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