Conceptual and detailed design has been advanced by new industry publications since the publication of the second edition. This third edition provides a number of updates:
- the sections on wave overtopping have been updated to reflect changes brought in with the recently issued EurOtop II manual
- a detailed worked example is given of the calculation of extreme wave conditions for design
- additional examples have been included on the reliability of structures and probabilistic design
- the method for tidal analysis and calculation of amplitudes and phases of harmonic constituents from water level time series has been introduced in a new appendix together with a worked example of harmonic analysis
- and a real-life example is included of a design adapting to climate change.
This book is especially useful as an information source for undergraduates and engineering MSc students specialising in coastal engineering and management. Readers require a good grounding in basic fluid mechanics or engineering hydraulics, and some familiarity with elementary statistical concepts.