Candidates who are applying for either the Incorporated-Member PRI or Technician Membership will need to collate their documents using the appropriate forms below. Updates to the IPD Regulations for both grades of membership are due later in 2025, but all applications made until such changes are implemented will be required to use the 12/13 Core Objectives (as applicable).
All applications must contain a two-page experience report from and the completed IPD final report forms for each Core Objective. Through completion of your IPD final report forms and portfolio you need to demonstrate the following standards for the relevant objective:
Appreciation – understanding of how the subject may affect, or integrate, with other subjects
Knowledge – understanding of the subject and its application
Experience – able to perform independently or under supervision
Ability – able to perform independently and competence to advise others
Applications for the PRI are accepted twice a year with deadlines of
1 April and
1 September.
Apply for the Incorporated-Member PRI
Technician Member applications can be submitted at any time of the year.
Apply to become a Technician Member