Author: William Loasby
6 February 2024
Seismic design of buildings in Canada
William Loasby
This guidance covers:
This course covers the design of common structural elements to Eurocode 2. Participants will be introduced to concrete material properties and learn about designing for durability and fire.
This course provides guidance on specific aspects of demolition and refurbishment from an engineering perspective, while addressing safety, environmental and sustainability influences.
This course introduces key concepts in vibration serviceability of building floors. Techniques for analysis, design and mitigation for satisfactory vibration performance are outlined, as well as their potential impact on sustainability of floor construction.
This two-day, online course introduces seismic design of civil engineering structures. It builds on the basics of structural dynamics and engineering seismology. The course focuses on seismic loading and design codes, conceptual seismic design principles and analysis for seismic loading, and design and detailing of structural members.
This course delivers practical advice through the use of worked examples on dynamic analysis, conceptual design for earthquake resistance and seismic design of structural elements to Eurocode 8. Emphasis is placed on concrete and steel buildings although the concepts are widely applicable.
This course delivers key advice and guidance on seismic design of structures to Eurocode 8 as well as the application of the Eurocode. Emphasis is placed on reinforced concrete buildings although the concepts are widely applicable.
This project investigates the application of remote sensing technologies within the specific operational context of emergency urban search and rescue (USAR) efforts post-disaster.
Following the 2020 earthquakes in Elazig and Izmir, Turkey, this EEFIT Resrech Grant 2022 winning project aims to construct comprehensive empirical fragility functions for reinforced concrete moment-resisting frame type structures and unreinforced masonry structures, from two damage datasets by employing statistical methods.
This EEFIT Research Grant Winner report integrates data-driven approaches and local perspectives to account for post-earthquake household relocation decision-making within an existing simulation-based framework for policy-related risk-sensitive decision support on future urban development.