The series is ongoing.
Norman Train introduces Business Practice Notes, a new series produced by the Business Practice and Regulatory Control Committee to encourage best practice and highlight areas of unacceptable practice in structural engineering.
Publish Date – 3 January 2017
In the first note in this series, Norman Train stresses the importance of making clear from the outset what an engineer will – and will not – do in return for their fee.
In the second note in this new series, Norman Train offers guidance on areas where the boundaries of the service to be provided by a structural engineer need to be defined in the fee proposal in order to avoid ambiguity.
Publish Date – 1 February 2017
In the third note in this series, David Shields provides a brief guide to the formation of a professional services contract and the obligations this entails.
Publish Date – 1 March 2017
Colin Toms offers a guide to the efficient management of design office resources in order to deliver projects on time, on budget and to a high standard.
Publish Date – 3 April 2017
Colin Toms provides advice on matters that an engineer should plan for once construction begins on site.
Publish Date – 2 May 2017
In this latest note, Rob Paul introduces readers to the procurement process for publicly funded works within the UK and EU.
Publish Date – 1 June 2017
In this latest note, Matthew Byatt offers readers an introduction to BIM and a guide to the benefits it can bring to a project.
Publish Date – 3 July 2017
This month, our series turns its attention to cash flow. Peter Smith looks at the steps firms can take to ensure that invoices are paid promptly and how to address problems with late payments and debts.
Publish Date – 1 August 2017
In the latest note in this series, Jane Entwistle explains what ethical standards members are expected to uphold and introduces guidance provided by the Institution on this topic.
Publish Date – 1 September 2017
Rob Paul provides an introduction to the three main types of risk that engineering practices face and considers the steps they can take to minimise or mitigate these.
Publish Date – 2 October 2017
Following October's article on risk and professional indemnity insurance, Mick Buck examines the types of claims that engineers may face and how these can be mitigated.
Publish Date – 20 November 2017
Mark Pundsack explains why structural engineering firms should invest in the development of their staff.
Publish Date – 1 February 2018
In the latest note in the series, Peter Smith gives readers tips on how to prioritise and manage their time effectively.
Publish Date – 1 March 2018
Kathryn Bistacchi and Kirsty Forman discuss best practice when using social media for business, sharing a plan for how to get started, practical tips and advice on measuring success.
Publish Date – 1 April 2018
Mick Buck considers what it means to be competent in professional practice and the need to recognise and address one's limitations.
Publish Date – 1 May 2018
In this latest note, Jane Entwistle offers advice to consultants on how to obtain and use feedback from clients and other stakeholders to grow their business.
Publish Date – 1 June 2018
Matt Byatt clarifies the duties and responsibilities of structural engineers involved in building projects requiring structural steelwork.
Publish Date – 1 August 2018
Jonny Yusuf looks at communication as a professional engineer, offering advice on how we might communicate more effectively.
Publish Date – 3 September 2018
In the latest article in the series, Rob Paul discusses the steps that engineers can take to mitigate against design errors appearing in their work.
Publish Date – 1 October 2018
Michael Greenhalgh discusses the types of client a UK-based structural engineer may encounter, and considers the expectations they may have for the service to be provided.
Publish Date – 19 November 2018
In this latest note, Richard Lankshear sets out a number of key principles to help maximise the effectiveness of meetings.
Publish Date – 2 January 2019
Andy Yates provides an introduction to construction standards. While the article focuses on British Standards in the UK, the principles discussed are applicable to any jurisdiction.
Publish Date – 1 March 2019
Steve Williams discusses the basic principles around specifications, the different types available and the advantages of following them correctly.
Publish Date – 1 April 2019
Steve Williams explains why over-reliance on specifications from previous designs imports risks to projects. Steve discusses how to reduce or eliminate those risks, to improve quality, efficiency and safety.
Publish Date – 1 May 2019
Kevin Corbett and Stephen Gregson provide guidance on steps members should take to report an allegation of serious wrongdoing.
Publish Date – 1 June 2019
Stephen Gregson stresses the importance of clearly defining responsibilities and interfaces when designing building facades.
Publish Date – 1 July 2019
A short guide to maternity and paternity legislation in the UK, and the benefits of being a modern, inclusive employer.
Publish Date – 2 September 2019
Matt Byatt offers advice on how to intervene successfully when witnessing an unsafe act or procedure.
Publish Date – 2 October 2019
Rob Paul advises readers how to understand the commercial risk attached to a project and discusses steps that can be taken to mitigate this risk.
Publish Date – 18 November 2019
Rob Paul discusses factors which can affect a firm’s reputation and steps that can be taken to improve this.
Publish Date – 3 February 2020
Norman Train takes a three-part look at quality management systems, beginning with an overview of how modern processes have developed.
Publish Date – 3 March 2020
Norman Train continues his look at quality management systems with an introduction to the principles of ISO 9001:2015.
Publish Date – 1 April 2020
Norman Train concludes his look at quality management systems by offering advice on how firms can set up a QMS.
Publish Date – 1 June 2020
Neil Wakeman gives an overview of the development of collaborative business relationships in accordance with internationally recognised standards
Publish Date – 1 August 2020
In this note, Simon Pitchers provides advice to structural engineering professionals on how to proceed if they become aware that an unauthorised change to the design has taken place on site.
Publish Date – 16 October 2020
Hugh Docherty explores the key ethical questions that engineers should consider before accepting an appointment, particularly when asked to replace an existing engineer.
Publish Date – 16 November 2020
Stephen Gregson provides guidance on how to approach an appointment to review a design developed by another engineer.
Publish Date – 4 January 2021
The IStructE Marketing team sets out simple steps for planning and implementing a successful social media strategy for your business.
Publish Date – 8 November 2021
In this note, Rob Paul offers advice on how businesses can maintain their income and manage outgoings when cash flow is tight during an economic downturn.
Publish Date – 3 April 2023